Bitcoin exchange PayBito launches FIX API

FIX API Protocol of Paybito is a proven finance information exchange protocol used in the standard operating environment of financial institutions to transmit key market information

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HashCash Consultants, a blockchain consulting company, today announced the launch of a FIX API for its PayBito bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange. The FIX API of Paybito comes with FIX (Financial Information Exchange) protocol 4.4 which is highly secure, steady and extremely fast.

The FIX protocol is recognized internationally and enables cross border trading especially to facilitate the real-time transfer of large financial data sets between market contributors

Paybito is an advanced bitcoin and crypto exchange which provides a secure environment to facilitate the integration of any custom platform. There are a lot of advantages on offer for the individual traders using FIX API. The main beneficiaries would be crypto brokers, exchanges, banks and other financial institutions transacting over the internet.


Paybito is a multi-currency, SegWit enabled, ERC20 compatible digital platform for trading digital assets. The objective of the release of the FIX API covers key aspects such as increasing liquidity, enabling better stable pricing and ultra-fast trading.

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