Vertalo, a stakeholder registry and compliance platform for regulated security token offerings, announced it is integrating with OpenFinance Network (OFN).
Launched last month, OFN is a trading exchange to facilitate instantaneous, real-time trading of security tokens.
OFN has established a number of key partnerships throughout the digital asset and blockchain industries, banding together a network to serve US and international investors across various securities offerings types, including Regulation D and Regulation S, Regulation A+ and Regulation CF.
“OpenFinance Network is excited to welcome the Vertalo team as our newest partner. The Vertalo Registry platform and its KYC/accredited status services directs qualified users to the OFN platform.”
“Vertalo helps deliver the promise of improved liquidity by placing proof of buyer eligibility and ownership on the blockchain so that it can be accessed in real-time by market participants, like Exchanges, Broker-Dealers, and other key infrastructure partners. By eliminating latency in the access to ownership and eligibility data, Vertalo improves both the user interface and experience for issuers, stakeholders, exchanges, and other market participants. By integrating with key ecosystem and trading partners like OpenFinance Network, Vertalo makes the security-token buying and selling experience instantaneous, compliant, and more cost-efficient.”