Switzerland-based Melonport, a decentralized user-friendly solution to holding and managing digital assets on the Ethereum blockchain announced a new release of the Melon portal with their new v0.1.0 release.
It should be noted that this is still very early and to expect bugs. The project is sharing this early version with the community to garner feedback and respond accordingly upon it.
This release contains the following highlights:
- Create a fund (in ERC20 format) and invest upon creation. For this version, you can only invest in your fund once.
- Trade using the first Melon Universe Module which is now live with 5 ERC20 assets (ETH, BTC, MLN, EUR and REP). Trades history is visible on kovan.etherscan.io.
- Monitor prices of these assets using the first data feed module brought to you by Cryptocompare and Oraclize using native proofs
- Calculate fund/share prices as well as NAV in real-time (assuming for this version zero management and performance fees)
- Redeem and annihilate shares in your fund at any time (using redeem)
- Trade on our exchange against our liquidity provider, which tracks real prices and provides continuous bids and asks (liquidity) at current market prices
- Generate a real track record on Kovan secured by the integrity of Kovan authorities
The team also announced plans to migrate portal.melonport.com from Blaze to React.
Melonport launched its initial Melon (MLN) token sale on February 15th, 2017. There will be a second token sale in Q1/Q2 2018. The token sales will fund what is expected to be a two-year workshop coordinated by the company before the Melon protocol is deployed in its entirety.