TREZOR Wallet now includes support for DASH and Zcash

TREZOR Wallet by SatoshiLabs just announced multi-currency support for DASH and Zcash, in addition to Bitcoin. Managing multiple digital currencies can now be done comfortably from one place.

Up until now, TREZOR Wallet has only been offering a simple Bitcoin wallet interface, while TREZOR itself has been expanding support to various other cryptocurrencies. With the development of the latter, a growing voice of the community has requested integration of different currencies into TREZOR Wallet as well.

After investigating the viability of this project, Trezor realized that this was doable to a certain extent. TREZOR Wallet utilizes Insight/Bitcore in order to grab information about a cryptocurrency/blockchain. A functioning Insight is therefore the main requirement for integration of any coin into TREZOR Wallet.

The company also stated they have successfully deployed additional Insight/Bitcore servers for multi-currency support to address availability issues on the beta. As they are now using self-hosted servers, the speed of the Wallet should be greatly increased.

The update to new TREZOR Wallet at is automatic, and no action is needed from the user side. On the other hand, various coin support in TREZOR is dependent on the firmware you are running. DASH and Zcash are fully supported from FW version 1.4.2.

The company went on the state that together with the new firmware, they are also introducing an advanced recovery method, which allows users to securely input a recovery seed into the TREZOR without exposing the seed to the computer. In essence, users will enter the letters through the PIN pad displayed on the computer, according to the keypad layout given to you by the TREZOR screen. Same way as the PIN, but this time the layout will change with each click.

This is currently implemented in the firmware only, with the TREZOR Wallet support coming later. A more detailed look into this feature will thus come with the next iteration of TREZOR Wallet, Release 12.

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